A sleepy day in Alghero
The day started as usual at 7.00 and then we had breakfast at 7.15. Me and my roommates were very tired and it was hard to get out of bed. We gathered up on deck at 8.00 so we could let the crew tell us about the day.
After the meet up I went to sleep because I was very tired after the watch yesterday. My plan was that I should sleep from 8 to 10 but I slept to the lunch at 12 o´clock. Today we had noodle wok for lunch and it was very good. I really like the food here on the boat, I enjoy almost every meal.
After the lunch me and some friends went into the city. We had a walk in the old town and then we went to a very cozy café at 2 o´clock. They had vey nice croissants and fruits. We were there for 1,5 hour and we talked about the trip and other things. Then we continued our walk in the city and we went to a souvenir shop. We found some cute things and we bought souvenirs to our families. We were back at Gunilla to dinner and after the dinner we needed to study.
By: Viktor Pilborg Sjdm1922
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se