Öckerö gymnasium

A typical mid-atlantics day

Today was a typical mid-atlantics day, a day you mix together with four other days because all of them is the same.

Today was a typical mid-atlantics day, a day you mix together with four other days because all of them is the same. Normally we have toast at our late evening snacks but today our secondary chef made, with the backisar, scones. This night we changed our clocks due to crossing time zones so the port watch only had three hour watch instead of four like we use to do or like the other two watches who lost one hour of very important sleep.

Right now, when there is only one long day can you not wait to come to the Azores and I can tell that many other persons here onboard feel the same on our constant need for sleep and speaking from my own perspective getting a bit home sick because of we have so many hours at watch and of watch to think about home. I guess that is because when we are in places and discovering new countries or cities we think about that instead of home

With love,

Ida Hellström


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se