Right now we are in the middle of the atlantic ocean, its our forth day out on the sea. The days before this has pretty much been the same. But this day was a little bit different. Today the wind was gone so we where going in a pace at 2,5 knots, Therefore the captain decided that we got to take a swimstop.
My day started at 3.40 AM with somone banking at my door telling me to
go up. My watch started in about 20 minutes. When i got up on the deck I
didn´t see a thing, it was pitch black. Today I was in the workforce.
That means that we ties up the sails, we do maintanence work both in the
mast and on the deck and put up more sails. Today however was a kinda
slow watch. In the beginning we tied up the main sail but after that we
did not have much to do. Our watch leader started to tell us stories
about her experiences with saling. Then she showed us the stars and told
us what their names was.
After my watch that ended 8 Am, we ate breakfast and then went to sleep
Then suddenly my friend burst in to my room and shouted that we get to
jump in the ocean. Right now we are in the middle of the atlantic ocean,
not many people can say that they swam in the middle of the atlantic
ocean. But now I can. Everyone gathered on the deck and could not wait
to jump in. We jumped of the front and some people did bacflips and
frontflips. Some of the tries ended in a bellyflop but some of them was
relly good. After our swim, me and my friends laid on the front and
taned for a bit before our lesson of the day. I did som reading and
started with this blog. But times flies on this boat so next thing I
know it was time for my second watch today. From 4 PM to 8 PM. After my
watch I sat and played some cards with some people and the went to bed
becuse my next watch was at 4 AM again.
Elsa Melander, Midship
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se