Öckerö gymnasium

A visit to Goree

Goree, a beautiful island with a dark past. The island was used as a trading port for slaves during the imperial time, but is now more of a tourist attraction. We had all imagined the island as dark and horrible with the imperial stamp still on it, but we were all surprised once we got there. The place was beautiful and heavy with history. But we didn't just go wondering about, we had our friends from the Samares, a Swedish callcenter in Senegal who were eager to educate us about the Senegalese culture and history. After an interesting lecture about one of the many old slave houses on the island it was time for us to leave.

Before the visit, some of us students took a taxi to the city and just by accident came across the fancy hotels in Dakar. There were a beautiful beach but what really got us hooked was the luxurious restaurant. Starving as we were we ordered in a plate of sea urchin. None of us had tasted it before so it was quite an experience. Except for sea food we also ordered in some pesto pasta, delicious. The whole bill went on 43 500 franc, which is equal to 725 SEK.

At the end of the day we went to the store to buy some snacks and later on we cuddled up in the big mess hall and played guitar and sang together.

The day was great and now I am looking forward to visit Tostan tomorrow.

Tova Redig



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se