Today, the whole class was given a set of assigments to complete whilst sightseeing the beautiful city
of Las Palmas.
These included visiting a famous house called Casa de Colon, taking an insta-gunilla worthy picture of the group eating lunch and visiting the nearby beach.
We were sent on our way shortly after our morning coffee with the lunch money we recieved from our mentor. The sun was shining and a slight breeze was blowing so it wasn’t too hot or cold, it was the perfect combination of heat from the sun and the cool wind from the sea.
In one of the smaller harbours we walked past, they had arranged a dinghy cup for optimists, windsurfing and 29ers, which was really cool too see live!
People on the streets were dressed lightly with T-shirts, shorts and sandals, which is not quite something I would expect to see 8 days before christmas! A suprising amount of people were also wearing hoodies and jeans as if it was the end of summer and autumn was knocking on the door.
When we arrived at Casa de Colon, we found some shade from the now beaming sun and took a well deserved pause from all the walking at a nearby restuarant serving freshly baked pizzas. There we took the most beautiful, stunning and award-winning picture of our group througly enjoying some well deserved pizzas!
Refilled and ready for new adventures in Las Palmas, our group set our eyes on getting to the beach and enjoying the still warm afternoon air.
After a long and hot walk to the beach, everyone quickly switched to bathing clothes and jumped in the warm and clear water! There we went diving and I even saw a couple of fishes! After a day out in the sun in Las Palmas, we were now ready for new journeys on board T/S Gunilla!
Filip Wächter 2023-12-17
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00