Öckerö gymnasium

Blog, 15/5

We are on the Azores and today I had to pay for the disembarkation prohibition I got myself in Bermuda. So I helped midship on their guard today and was not allowed to leave the boat at any time the whole day. That was kind of sad. But how I got my disembarkation prohibition is a pretty fun story.

So it was starboard’s last free day in Bermuda and some of us really wanted to go swim one last time. But the closest beach was 40 minutes away and it was late so we went swimming in the harbor instead. Because Gunilla was so close I really wanted to swim there and say hi then swim back. So that’s what I and Tim did but then we realized we only was 2 persons when we actually need to be 4 after 6 o clock. They told us we had to board from there and was not allowed to swim back to get our stuff. But the others brought it back so it was fine. It was not worth the punishment but it was a funny mistake I will remember. 3 days straight I was on guard here in the Azores. First normally with starboard then with midship then with starboard again. At least now I know that I won’t be swimming in a harbor again. Today’s guard was exhausting. It was extremely hot weather and we cleaned the laundry room and found a new well that haven’t been cleaned in ages. There has been a washing machine in the way before and because it broke we moved it and under there was another well. But we finally got a new washing machine so now we got three again! It was a long day but I learned myself a lesson. I recommend not to risk being only 2 after 6 o clock because it’s not worth an extra day on guard.

Agnes Cokorilo, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se