On our way to the hiking trail we had the thought of hiking for four hours, approximately. As the day went by, my cabin-buddies and I got more energy, totally out of the blue.
The hike began to reach many miles and our stomachs started to scream for food. Eventually we reached a bar where we thought had something to eat, but how wrong we were.
With our stomachs full and our backpacks packed me, Alva, Ebba and Wilma went out of the port to find a taxi. The first mistake we did this day was ordering a taxi on the phone, when we realized there were a bunch of taxis only a couple of meters away. This would haunt us all day long; since we didn’t wait for the taxi we called and took one of the others. The taxi company kept calling us, and we had to answer and explain what we had done.
Anyhow, a taxi took us to the hiking trail we had in mind for the day. The place was as beautiful as fresh snow on a sunny winter day. The surrounding was completely quiet, away from all vehicles of any kind. Maybe that was our source of energy later on.
We started our hike in the quiet forest, which soon turned to climbing on the mountainside. All of a sudden it appeared two mountain bikers, in high speed towards us. We had to jump aside and they screamed: ‘Sorry!’ We laughed about it and continued our hike, which finally was estimated to 25 kilometers.
I hope you can imagine how hungry, thirsty and tired we were after several hours and only two water bottles in our backpacks. When we finally got to some kind of civilization we saw a bar. We almost ran there in pure happiness to eventually find out they had no food and only alcohol beverages. I think we all was on the edge of crying, at least I was. We gave up and called for a taxi that brought us down to the city, nearby the port. We refilled our hungry stomachs and were very pleased about the day we soon would put behind us.
Tova, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se