Three days on the Atlantic Ocean has passed and we´ve started getting into the routines. Every day is pretty much the same; wake up, have watch, sleep, study, have watch, sleep, and do it all over again.
Three days on the Atlantic Ocean has passed and we´ve started getting into the routines. Every day is pretty much the same; wake up, have watch, sleep, study, have watch, sleep, and do it all over again.
From Bermuda to the Azores, my watch has the 4-8 watch. Most people don’t like the schedule of the 4-8 watch as they’re not tired when it’s time to go to bed at 8:30 pm while they are extremely sleepy at 3.30 am when it’s time to get ready for watch. People usually walk around like zombies till it´s “fika” time at 5am. Waking up at 3.30 am might not be appreciated by everyone, however all the watches have their pros and cons. The 4-8 watch’s perks being that both the sun rises and sets during the watch hours. During this morning’s sunrise a falcon visited us. The falcon only stayed for a short while and when it set off it took a small bird who has been on the boat for one day with him. After the sunrise we sailed into a raincloud and we had to hurl some sails, fortunately the rain was not there to stay, so we hoisted the sails again. To make it to the Azores on time we need to keep an average speed of 5.4 knots. Our plan is to sail the whole way and not use the motor. Right now, we’re sailing 7 knots in a North-East direction to catch some wind and enjoyable sailing.
At the moment, we’re celebrating Mattias who’s turning 18 today by eating “marrängswiss” which is ice cream topped with whipped cream, chocolate sauce and meringue. My day will continue with four hours of watch and then bedtime.
Hope everything is well with you!
Märta, MS
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00