Today was a day when this happened, but yet nothing really happened.
It was a regular day, midships was on guard and they got to clean almost all day. Since it’s the end of our trip, we’re doing a lot of deep cleaning. We’re cleaning places you didn’t even know existed.
Since I was free all day, I decided to just take it easy. I hung out with Ester quite a lot. We stayed on Gunilla until around eleven o’clock, we then went out and ate som lunch, Burger king was the perfect place for that. Afterwards we mostly wanderd around. We decided to go to a cafe and there we found the best hot chocolate we have ever tasted! At least it was the best that I’ve ever tasted. We knew that they were going to serve cinnamon buns at the three o’clock break, so we were back on Gunilla in time for that. Those cinnamon buns were amazing!!
Afterwards we didn’t really do much, until after dinner! Me and Ester had checked out a piercing studio earlier in the day, because we both want a piercing. After dinner, me, Ester, Pogge, Matilda, Emma and Frida went to the piercing studio. Pogge wanted to do one as well, but the studio didn’t have any jewlery that she wanted so she’s waiting a little while. However, me and Ester did it! We both got a Helix piercing, that’s located almost at the top of the ear. I actually hate needles, I absolutely hate them! But it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
That’s what happend today. It was a nice hot day. You didn’t feel any pressure about having to do something, you could just do whatever you wanted.
That’s all for me!
/Ebba Bogestrand
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00