Like every human has an identity, has a country one too. The morning started at six am, waking up did I feel how tired I was but we were going on a school trip and that gave me the motivation to hurry.
. Our teacher Anne-Li was going to leave us the next day. So she was very happy to join us on this last bus trip together, in one of her favorite countries, the Dominican Republic.
After breakfast and packaging were my schoolmates
and I ready to go, waiting for the bus. It was exciting to know what was waiting for us because we got the news of visiting a special museum. The old house of the sisters Mirabal. The reason why once a year we wear red, orange and yellow clothes for a special reason and celebrate the 25 November to quit the violence against women.
The trip was going to be three hours to the
museum and back. More than that was the trip also exciting thanks to that our other teacher
Jörgen had traveled from Sweden to us the day before and was going with us on this school trip. When the bus finally arrived did I picked a good spot in the middle, against a window. The style of the seats and the curtains against the windows was very pretty. It was comfy in my opinion.
When we came to our destination, to the museum of the sisters Mirabal, did we see that the museum was where the four sisters, Patria, Dede, Minerva, and Maria Teresa grew up. It had much to tell. The story behind the 25 November was much deeper than I thought and gave me another way to see the situation for women in the world. After the museum was it time to go to a river.
On the way, we saw beautiful horses and heard old classic Spanish music from the place. Then nearby could you hear how more modern spanish music took over when we came to the river. In the picture can you see a little part of it. It was a very happy and refreshing bath. Where most of us had fun. After that was it time to go home to the boat. During the trip
home, we studied and learned with Heidi (a friend of Anne-Li).
After a while of questions and answers were everybody tired and rested the remaining time of the trip home. Looking through the window could you see how the streets were filled with contrasts. Some
places were very pretty with newly painted walls and clean ways while others were old and scratched, with garbage all over the place. Looking at that did I thought; how interesting is that the world is a place where perfection can be found as well as the worst things you can imagine. The paradise is here in the earth as well as the hell.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00