Öckerö gymnasium

Day 29 at sea

Today when I woke up it slowly but surely started to swing again. It was a bit before we usually wake up in the morning but I was surprisingly bobbish (if you know what that means), which happens very rarely.

About half an hour afterwards the breakfast was waiting upstairs so I decided to check it out. I got oatmeal with a sliced banana and some almonds on top, mmm!

I really enjoy the schedule of this watch, waking up about one hour before watch and having time to lay a bit longer in your bunk, stretch a bit and eat breakfast before watch. You also follow a regular everyday schedule, waking up at 7 am and going to bed at 12 pm. It helps a lot for the days to make sense and feeling that they’re passing as usual, which is not the case at all with the other watches. Even if the days are more or less feeling the same you do notice that we are slowly coming closer and closer to home. It’s starting to get colder, not only in the night but during the day too. We are also continuing the work we have been doing the past week, namely final cleaning each and every corner of the boat. The list with all the things we have to fix before we come home is luckily being checked off day by day. The more we do the closer we get to Öckerö, at least it feels like it.

Today is also not a day like all the other, today is the birthday of Clara! Now she’s 19 too and gets to choose today’s dinner and a dessert. Risotto and Swiss roll it will be.

I wish you all the best, take care!

Ricci, Styrbord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se