Öckerö gymnasium

Departure day!

Today we left England to sail towards Öckerö and the feelings were mixed. The pilot came on board at half past nine and then the sailing began. The sea schedule came into effect and 4-hour guards became relevant again.

It’s both nice to be on the way home while it’s sad
because you’ll miss everything, the sailing and all friends for example.
England was a very nice end to our long journey that now began more than
two months ago in Tampa. The fact that we were in Tampa two months ago
feels unreal, time has really flown by.

The countdown has started and there are now 9 days left until we arrive
at Öckerö. Only 9 days. It feels surreal that in nine days we will hug
our loved ones at home, in Sweden. Seventy-one days have passed on this
fantastic journey, and we have learned a lot. Everything form climbing
the rigging to fitting sails. The fear you had for the first time in the
rig has turned to loving climbing and seizing sails has only become
easier. Now we are on our way home and it feels better than ever!

Alice P


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se