First we thought it was a dolphin but it didn't move. When we came closer we saw it had a shark fin. We saw our first shark.
Today was the last day on our sea route heading towards Barcelona. We are planning to arrive tomorrow morning. We have been out for six days now and it is the longest sea route we have done so far. Everyone is looking forward to see land again and to explore one more city of Spain. You can really feel the excitement onboard.
I think we all have found our routines living here on Gunilla. It feels like all we do is eat, sleep and be on duty. The days melt together and it´s hard to remember what day it is and what we have done. I even forgot that yesterday was Halloween, I think most of us did.
During the last couple of days, we have got company from dolphins. They are very beautiful when they swim in the sea fire at night. Today when my group ”Port” had maintenance work we saw something we had never seen before. First we thought it was a dolphin but it didn't move. When we came closer we saw it had a shark fin. And it really looked like a shark. Some people believe it was dead but I think it just relaxed for a while. It was very close to the boat and it looked kind of scary. I’m very happy I didn't see this shark before we went swimming yesterday.
Judit Krabbe, portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00