Öckerö gymnasium

English blog 26/4

This morning, the same as every morning, the happiest man on the boat stormed into the room with the biggest smile. As me and my tree roommates stroll to the breakfast, we try to get the night-dirt out of our plum-sized eyes. The first few minutes of breakfast everyone is silent to give the brain a chance to work as usual.

School-visit were on the schedule for today! At 9.30 am we gathered on half-deck so that we all could walk together the 30 minute walk to the school. The feeling of being a zoo-animal never seems to fade away as you walk over another schoolyard on these trips. Everyone gazed like if we walked on our hands instead of our feets. At 10 we were at place and ten minutes later twenty students from sixteen to nineteen years old stormed into the room. Their English-teacher separated us into groups. We got to chat for a while and get to know their everyday and plans for the future. Both of the young girls I talked to planed to move to the mainland and study after the summer break, never to return. For me that’s unreasonable. This place is so magically beautiful that I want to freeze time.

The school had a lot of animals. It was a dog, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, goats and so on. Can you believe walking to school every morning and the first thing you see is a dog? Or a goat?

Once we came back to the boat it was midships time to go on watch which meant my time to go on watch. We painted the galley-house or “byssahuset” as we say. Because it’s just tree days left we started to discuss home and the stuff we miss. You probably shouldn’t do that, it just makes time go slower and your mood duller. Normally I would find that a good thing at this boat. But my moms cooking, the smell of new-washed laundry, my tree sisters and my ten moth old puppy at home does not make it easy for me to not miss it.

Just four days left, how time passes. See you soon!

Ella Nilsson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se