Öckerö gymnasium

Finally back again

Yesterday it was finally, after one and a half years, time for me and my class to once again take over the boat and embark on yet another sailing adventure.

With graduation quickly aproaching (only 79 days left!), one last trip with the class before we all go our seperate ways feels like a perfect ending to our highschool story. The fact that it is our last trip though made moving back onto the ship, as amazing as it was, rather bittersweet. And I definetely feel a need to do my very best to appreciate every moment that’s coming our way the next six weeks.

The first two days of the aforementioned six weeks onboard have been filled with repitition of various safety protocols and other stuff we all need to know before we cast away. Mixed in with that we’ve all also gotten some freetime to explore the harbour we’re currently in, Las Palmas. It’s a city most of us have been to before because we were here on our first trip with Gunilla, over two years ago, and as a consequence it feels like every streetcorner awakens some memory. There is one thing here though that hasn’t made me stop to reminisce about past times, a carnival. The whole city is filled with people in extravagant and colorful costumes and not far from Gunilla they’ve built a small amusement park for the occassion. Don’t ask me what the carnival is for because I don’t know. But I’m definetely happy it’s here. I and some friends rode these mechanical bulls that moved in sync with music at the amusement park and I doubt I’ve ever laughed so much.

Earlier in the day we hung out at the beach and in the evening we got the chance to watch part of the carnivals closing show. To top it all off the evening ended prefectly with a cool display of fireworks. So in conclusion the trip has started brilliantly and I´m looking forward even more now than before to the rest of it.

Lina Exerman


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se