The day started at 7 o’clock when the rodman from the watch before us woke us up at 07.15am. Breakfast was served and everyone was happy because we soon would leave and start our first sailing trip to Bermuda.
At 10 o’clock we left the harbor of Fort Lauderdale. The weather was perfect for our first day out on the sea, the sun was shining and the wind was blowing in the sails. After 40 minutes, when we could still se land, people started to get really seasick. But I went to sleep so I did not feel it that day. The day was going really slow, everyone was trying to get in sea mood at the same time that we try to understand the boat.
I got the 4 – 8 shift, witch did that we in midchipp could see the sun go down. Next day we start at 3.30 Am. The shift was going well, we got new backed scons and could see the sun going up and at 8. 30 am, I went to sleep. But it was in the ewning today, during our firt lessen I started feeling the see sickness and it was bad.
Today two days of not seeing land, on our trip to Bermuda, we still have some people that are seasick and not feeling well. For example me, but something that came out good of this is all dolphins I saw when the others been inside the boat and I been on deck.
Alva Törnvall, midship
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00