Yesterday we arrived at Barcelona with Gunilla, and today is the first day for us in Starboard to have a chance to see the city for the first time.
October 25th was a resting day for us in Starboard. Last day we both sailed into Barcelona, and had to do work around the ship. Finally, we were going to have two days off. So, we took advantage of this, and most of the day went to catch up on some sleep that we lost while sailing.
Just like most days at harbor, we woke up at seven in the morning to eat our normal breakfast, witch for me is oatmeal and eggs. After breakfast, we gathered up on deck at eight. Just like we always do, so that the crew can tell us about what is going to happen during that day.
I spent the day sleeping all the way into the afternoon. This was really needed, and everyone came into a better mood after we slept. When I wasn’t sleeping, I went with some friends and checked out the mall that is right next to the ship. Also, we hung out at the boat and watched a movie.
This was an uneventful day, since we all were tired, and the only thing we wanted to do was to sleep. The highlight of the day happened right before we started watching movies. My friend came in while we were all hanging out in a room that we call Stora mässen. He had just gotten back from H&M, and he had bought a brand-new unicorn suit.
Gustaf Wahlgren, starboard watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00