Öckerö gymnasium


Today was a very hectic day in the kitchen for gallyhelp. I woke up and it rained alot. I put my clothes on and almost fell over becouse of the

I went up on deck for a watchchange in my raincoat and was tilting
back and forth all the time. I came in to the kitchen and Mikaela said
“We need a mop, all the water in the fridge has spilled”. So it was
water all over the floor and we tried to mop it up but because of the
tilt it was very hard. The floor in the kitchen is also very slippery so
we were gliding around when walkning. Today it was colliflower soup for
lunch so we prepped for it, we also prepped for the fika at the same
time. Cutting up bread and cutting colliflower. But it came a big wave.
So all the colliflower that was supposed to go into the soup went on the
floor. I was standing and holding the last bits of colliflower that we
managed to save, while i was standing in a 45 degree angle i saw the
freshly cut bread also make its way to the floor. So while we tried to
clean it up we saw a white strain leak from the fridge. I opend the
fridge and saw that all the youghurt had spilled. So we took out all the
food from the fridge and tried to put it in another. But when we opend
the other fridge 10 eggs rolled out on the floor. So now it was
colliflower, water, eggs and bread all over the floor. Everyting in the
fridge was also coverd in yougurt. So we washed everything from the
fridge and cleand up the floor right in time for lunch.


Måns, Styrbord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se