Öckerö gymnasium

Goodbye Mindelo

Yesterday was our very last day in Mindelo, Cape Verde. This was also the day where we for the first time during this trip changed our duty time and watch leader.

Me and the rest of Port went from having duty 8:00-12:00 and 20:00-00:00 to having duty 12:00-16.00 and 00:00-4:00. We also had to leave our beloved watch leader Sophia. But our new watch leader Mauritz is also great of course, which is good. After all, we’re stuck with him all the way over the Atlantic.

It feels rather weird to know that the next time we see land will be in 17 days. I think we’ll be very tired by the time we get to Grenada. Most of us will probably survive, which is more than I can say for myself. You see, I’m one of the poor souls who feel very seasick at almost all times but with all my amazing and funny crew and classmates I’m sure my fellow seasick friends and I will do just fine.

Our first day at sea is always the hardest. You once again have to get into the new schedule and all the things you don’t have to think about when we’re in port. We’re lucky to have such an amazing crew who understands how we feel and can make it a bit better by helping out a bit more with everything and let us have our ups and downs.

Nothing else happened this day. Everything went by perfectly and I think we all look forward to seeing land in 16 days, 15 hours and 12 minutes.

by Matilda, portside watch


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se