Setting foot on Caribbean land with my best friends is something I never thought I would do. I would go as far as calling it the climax of our sailing journey.
Spending several days at sea is always rather exhausting. But also, very fun. However, we are soon approaching Guadalupe, which I am delighted about. Setting foot on Caribbean land with my best friends is something I never thought I would do. I would go as far as calling it the climax of our sailing journey. Despite that, here we are, as I’m watching one of the last sunsets before arrival. I have always admired gazing into the horizon, however, soon seeing land replace what feels like an infinity of sea is relieving.
Visiting Paramaribo has been an experience to say the least, nevertheless I believe our upcoming journey in Caribbean will be even better. After days of hard labor and studies aboard, taking some time to relax is all I can dream of. My classmates all seem as thrilled as me, which makes me even more joyful. I recall my dear friend Ebba saying that Guadalupe has some of the best beaches in the Caribbean, which we soon will find out.
//Elin Soyka
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