When we got off our shift this morning I took a little nap before the lessons started, well during the lessons I didn't get much done either because I was so tired. However, I feel that I'm quite in phase so it wasn't really a problem, but you start to notice a lot of people here on board are tired and feel quite down and a little grumpy. You're very tired, just doing the same things all day long, so sometimes you almost just want to go home to your bed and relax. But I think it will be better
when we get ashore.
Now we are actually starting to approach Suriname! We will sail in through a river on the 30th. we could have made it earlier but the Captain thinks that it is better that we arrive early in the morning. At noon today, we could therefore start to lie quite still to be able to have dinner together and watch a movie on the sail, a perfect way to celebrate Nora's birthday! At sea, the different watch groups usually eat by themselves inside the small mess so that we all got to sit outside together was really nice! The film was also really nice - it was called S/S Martha, a
Danish film that apparently all the world's seamen are supposed to know.
We saw the film during our evening shift (20-00) so we got started our work a little later than usual. There wasn't much to do sail-wise so the workforce started straight away with the cleaning. It gets dirty quite quickly here on board because there are so many of us, so every night the 8-12 shift clean. We wipe, vacuum, mop, clean the toilets, the showers... the list goes on.
But I was “backis” so I missed it. Instead, there is a list in the kitchen of everything that should be done inthere during the diffrent watch-times every night. We fixed our tasks, but then it was chill-time. We didn't even have to make a nightsnack because there were already delicious tosca buns left that our birthday girl Nora had baked. Yum, a good end to the day!
Vilma B
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se