Öckerö gymnasium

Happy New Year

Today is New years eve!

On Gunilla we celebrated New years eve like this. For me the day started by
being woken up by babord. It is always just as difficult to be woken up every morning. After being woken up the whole crew and pupils gathered on the main deck to enjoy a pizza lunch. The plates were licked clean and the real preparations for the new year's eve celebration began. Adam and Anthony, with the management of Captain Hans, prepared the grill for the barbeque. They also,
together with the party committee, sat up some tables on the main deck. Everybody put down the sails together so that we could drift with the waves during the celebration. Tage and Olle sat up a bar under the back and gave us candy and drinks. Adam heaved up meat on everybody's plates from the grill
which hung from the side of the boat. Everybody enjoyed the dinner and especially the dessert. Afterwards Victoria cranked up the music and everyone started dancing. The dance party ended with “Kolla kolla” by Nationalteatern (an Öckerö classic). Hans then announced that we were to put up the sails again in order to arrive in Kap Verde in time. Before the watches returned to their stations and people went to sleep we all watched Pirates of the Caribbean on the APA-sail. At the end of the movie we counted down for the new year in sweden which was a bit weird since it was only ten o'clock for us. The port watch then returned to their watch and those on free watch and the backisar ate some leftovers in the lilla mäss.

Ebba Lange


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se