Not so long after arriving people hurried into Palma but portside who had to take care of Gunilla. We were about a 1 hour walk away from the central town, but there was an easy solution to that. There were busses going every 15 minutes and they only cost 1,50 euro which is around 15 Swedish kronor for each ride.
Around 10 am today we arrived at Palma, after two short days at the stormy sea. Not so long after arriving people hurried into town but portside who had to take care of Gunilla. We were about a 1 hour walk away from the central town, but there was an easy solution to that. There were busses going every 15 minutes and they only cost 1,50 euro which is around 15 Swedish kronor for each ride.
In town there were a lot to see! All from a Swedish candy store to a big old church. I myself found cheap ice cream which I can confirm was tasty.
Back at the boat we had Swedish visitors from a Swedish school that is in Spain. They were nice but we can all agree they had a very different economy than ours. I heard one of them said ‘’my parents don’t have to work because we have too much money’’. The students were probably right because to go in that school cost around 12 000 euro every year.
I think it was a good day because I bought ice cream and some food, I like food. I think we all like food.
/Written by Freya Jobson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00