Today, Wednesday the 16th of October was the port guard’s first free day in Gibraltar. In the morning, all three watches made our way to Bayside school, a newly renovated school in Gibraltar. There, we got a tour by some of the senior students there, showing us around their somewhat huge school. They told us that they had more than 1300 students attending the school.
After the tour we gathered in their courtyard to take a group photo and then we headed back to the boat. When we made it to the boat we had some freetime before the students that had guided us around their school were supposed to make their way to our boat for a tour of it.
After the students left, all of the watches started preparing for a hike up the rock of Gibraltar. Once everybody was ready we headed off towards what was going to be a long, exhausting, yet fun hike. Along the way took the wrong path several times but we got there eventually and the view from the top was amazing. We saw several monkeys both young and old, and some of us, including me, got to experience the feeling of them trying to grab your goodies.
When we finished the hike at the top we were all free to leave, either going to the boat or going into the city. Me and some others decided to not head back to the boat when we finished but instead take the long route down the mountain into the city. When we walked we (not so surprising anymore at that time) took a wrong turn and missed the main attraction and the largest reason why we took the long route, that being a drawbridge that was supposed to be beautiful. Once we realised that we had walked the wrong way we separated into two groups, one group heading back to the bridge and the other going into the city to eat fish and chips. I decided to go into the city and sadly never got to see the bridge.
The walk to the fish and chips restaurant was fun as it was portsides first day in the city and we walked down the main road and had a great time. The food at the restaurant was very good, I took the fish and chips which was the chefs recommendation and they tasted delicious.
Having walked over 17 kilometers already, we felt like we could walk a bit longer so we headed to Morrisons, a grocery store that contained everything you could ever wish for stuck on a boat in the medditeranean. After shopping there we headed back to the boat for a good nights sleep.
Love Carlander Strandäng, portside watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00