Öckerö gymnasium

Jail school

On the morning before lunch we had a chemistry lesson and we prepared a lab about the salinity of the mediterranean sea. We made a good plan so I hope the execution will go that well too.

After the lesson we walked to a school here in Ajaccio. The school was pretty big and the students were between fifteen and twenty years old. The school didn't looked so nice, it looked more like a prison than a highschool. I think it was an old school, it seemed like that anyway and the ventilation in the classrooms was so bad. I feel sad for the students who lived in the school during the weekdays. They shared rooms two and two and the rooms looked boring like a prison cell. But it was not only the furnishing who created the prison feeling. They had no hot water, they must be back at the school latest 6 pm everyday but on wednesday they are looked out off their rooms and can`t go in earlier than 18:00.I heard a girl who said that the food on the school didn't taste so good either. I had not chosen this school if I lived in Corsica. But perhaps the teachers are good, I don't know. Two teachers and many students showed us around and after that they followed us to Gunilla. The first thing we did was to eat some sandwiches and then we showed them the boat.

When all the students had left we walked to a supermarket and I bought some small yoghurts. Very tasty. After the dinner we went out again. We walked around the city searching for crepes. But almost everything was closed. I think it is better here in the summers. Now it's more fate and not so many tourists.

Frida Börjesson, portside watch


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se