Öckerö gymnasium

Leaving Las Palmas

The day we longed for and dreaded has come... After many unforgettably wonderful and fun moments that we shared together, it is now time to thank each other for this trip and return back to the school bench in Sweden again.

With the packing done and the ship cleaned, we awoke on the day of the journey back home with less worry on our minds. There was even some time left to spend on the beach before heading home! After breakfast we had the opportunity to go ashore one last time before we needed to be back by lunch. Some of us thought it would fit well with a fine tan before leaving, but the weather was most certainly not on our side this day because suddenly tiny and pitiful tears would be pouring down from the gray sky above us as we laid on the beach. However the weather didn’t bother us too much since we still had a nice time together eating snacks and enjoying each others company.

We were all back by 12 noon and had pasta bolognese for lunch whereupon we then took a final swipe through the student interior ensuring we left it fresh and nice before the bus's arrival. It felt weird leaving Gunilla, that has been our home for six weeks but at the same time most of us deeply looked forward getting home reuniting with family. By 2 PM we left the harbour and headed for the airport. The flight and bus journey from Oslo went well and by 6 AM I was reunited with my family. 

It feels good being back home, but im also so extremely grateful for this trip, thank you class, Gunilla and all the others for an amazing time together! These past weeks have been absolutely fantastic and I think that we have all have become even better citizens, friends and enterprising individuals than before. 

See you soon!

Amidships, Agnes Olofsson Rist


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se