Öckerö gymnasium

Lisbon Calling

Now we're getting closer and closer to our flight back home to the north, because the other day we arrived to our final destination, Lisbon.

My first day here in Lisbon consisted of eating the best ice cream ever, taking photos of everything (because it was truly beautiful in every corner of the city center) and visiting old bookshops. After only have spent one day here, I´m already in love.

But now on to today’s big happening, our last traditional school visit for during this trip. Photography, cinema, ceramics, textiles and so on. That was only a few of the subjects the students at the school studied. Just imagine how cool our guided tour around the school was with rooms with green screens, cameras and computers, ceramic sculptures and pieces of art made of textiles. To summarize it all I would say that this school was the most exciting and interesting school I´ve visited on our trips, so far.

Now me and my friends are going out to buy lots of fresh fruit (mostly mangos if I get to choose) and just maybe a little bit of chocolate and then go back to the boat to study all evening. So, I hope you at home don´t have as much panic as I have about all of my assignments that´s left to do. See you in 6 days.

Caroline, starboard (more like bananaboard)


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se