With some exploration of the park in Everglades and food in our bodies we headed back to Gunilla. At Gunilla a shower was the number one priority with all that dried mud on my legs.
The day started out on main deck where we all stood with their backpacks and the sun in our eyes. Our backpacks contained a packed lunch, an old pair of sneakers and an extra set of clothes. Today was the day we went to everglades. The bus ride out of the city was beautiful, and the skyline of Miami better than I would ever have imagined.
Once at the Everglades natural park we met up with Ranger Liz who gave us the breakdown of where we were going and the wildlife in the area. Once at our location we started walking towards a dome like formation of trees. The scenery was absoluteley gorgeus, the only downside was that Ranger liz had made us aware that venomous snakes and aligators could be in out trail. Luckily we only saw one snake from a distance. After the visit in the dome we drove to another part of the park where we ate out lunch that our lovely chef “lil chef” had made us.
With some more exploration of the park and food in our bodies we headed back to Gunilla. At Gunilla a shower was the number one priority with all that dried mud on my legs. After the shower and a round of sun block, me, Klara, Jerry and Anna headed out to the city where we shopped and ate, both at whole foods and five guys, I can definatly recomend them both. This day was definatly a day to remember.
All the best
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se