We started the morning as usual with assembly at 7.55, which for me and a couple of others was followed by a trip in to the beautiful (and many other adjectives) city of Mindelo.
We could simply not miss our last chance to visit the wonderful world of mini mercados that the city has to offer. We were particularly on the hunt for M&M’s with peanuts, since the ones we bought in Las Palmas are somehow already consumed. After the snack drawer was once again filled we went to a café with wi-fi where we sat for a few hours and called, family, friends and downloaded an almost worrying amount of movies, series and music.
At around 12 we went back to eat lunch on the boat and then we went out again to make more calls, and other vital things.
At 16.00 we went to the beach to meet up with a couple of students from the Cape verdian school that we met yesterday. It was fun, we played wolleyball, a game called ring and just hung out on the beach. I talked to a few of the people I talked to yesterday and I even got a bracelet from one of them as a memory from Sao Vicente (the island we’re on). After a while we started to get hungry and therefore went to a restaurant to eat pizzas. I shared an amazing pizza with four kinds of cheese on it, I know it has a name but I don´t remember the spelling. Since it was our last night we decided to also try a nutella pizza for dessert, it was very good.
After this savory meal my night ended on the boat with reorganizing my drawer and closet, crossing the Atlantic has to come with some others signs of a fresh start, right?
I found a few things I forgot I forgot I had with me which was good, I for example have two shirts to choose from when I’m working now. Thank you to myself for packing so good. See you on the other side of the Atlantic.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se