It is the second day here in Mindelo and today is not a normal day it is Ebba’s seventeenth birtday.
We celebrated her with songs and a good cake made by Meja and Wilma who was the ‘’backisar’’ of the day. But today we had our watch so we could not go on land and use our last hours here in Sao Vicente before we head to Sao Nicolau.
We started the trip to Sao Nicolau around five o’clock and will be there tomorrow morning, we are now sailing in eight knots and the waves are bigger than we are used to. but we have trained for this moment for a long time to handle everything as good as possible. This is also the last time I have 12-4 watch so that is kinda sad because i like this watch. we get good amount of sleep and that is very important in my opinion to actually survive on this boat, but there is two bad things with this watch, and that is because we are dealing with the garbage and during the hours where the uv-index is high I am working. So I get that beautiful t-shirt and shorts tan.
Hopefully I will snorkel a lot on Sao Nicolau and try to get a nice bikini tan , and also do some interviews for my exams. I will also try and go on adventures and explore the island in many different ways and have the live the best time of my life with my friends. I am going to try to find wifi so I can call my parents and chat with family and friends back home. I am going to be totally honest about missing my home and everything, I absolutely miss my family but with all the stuff that is happening on the boat all the time is just making everything a lot easier. You just miss them and think about good old memories just for a moment and later on you will forget everything and just think about the things going on and forward.
Alva Larsson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00