Öckerö gymnasium

No more sails

Since I´m in the 4-8 watch my day started 3.30 in the morning when the round-man came to wake us up with the weather forecast still cold and windy.

Since I´m in the 4-8 watch my day started 3.30 in the morning when the round-man came to wake us up with the weather forecast still cold and windy. Right when we started our watch the wind decided to turn, giving us no other choice but to take down all the sails. Since we were sailing with almost all our sails this took quite a while, we even had to continue after our 5-fika.

When we thought we were done and all the sails were secured Mauritz decided that all the sails needed to be re-secured to look prettier, and that we needed to practice securing sails, so that’s what we did the second half of our watch. Time goes by really quick when you have stuff to do the whole watch but after 4 hours we were all quite tired. After breakfast most of us went to bed and slept until we were woken up again for lunch and lessons. After some lessons spent talking and playing cards it was time for watch again, this time painting was on the schedule. While we were painting lots of dolphins were swimming and jumping around the boat and right at the end of the watch we saw some whales!!!

Other than that nothing that exciting happened, hope you are enjoying the nice weather in Sweden, we wish we could have that to!!

Have a nice day!!
//Moa Portbord watchJ


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se