Morning gathering on deck and 88 tired eyes are watching at the watch leaders way. Everyone’s listening to the daily schedule and to Captain Torben’s daily attempt to cheer us up with one of his good old jokes. Most days it works, not because they’re good. Only because no one can hold a straight face to Torbens charm.
After the morning gathering a long day of maintenance work begun. The day included tons of new tasks. My guard, starboard did cleaning, putting fat on the leather parts of the rig and checking all the survival-suits on the ship. Our handleader Klara distributed all the different tasks and so we could set to work. I got a brush and a bucket of white paint and went down to the engine room. Small spaces nearly impossible to reach were painted with a lot of pain, at least for me. The day went on and me and Linn finished the engine room facing a new task; putting fat on the leather parts in the rig. We climbed up seeing the horizon and small pitoresk streets of Alghero. When finally reaching the top of the mast we realised that nothing can be compared to Gunilla and the life we’re living here.
We have now been here for 36 days althought it feels like we’ve been here for forever. To live on a boat for that long of a time with 44 other individuals is challengeing, but mostly a fantastic experience. To have all these daily challenges is a invironment that creates a strong bond between all of us, which can’t be found everywhere.
So this was the last day here in Alghero, Italy. Tomorrow we leave for a ten day cruise to Malaga, Spain. Everyone is excited, but also a bit clenched for what we’re about to face. This is the last cruise we have for this trip, which feels a little humble. Emotionally or not this last cruise will be a challenge, physically and mentally. Ten days is a lot more than what we’ve done before and we all know that it’s pretty much over when we get to Malaga. Personally I’m going to miss Alghero for it’s small town charm, but mostly for all food. The italian kitchen didn’t dissapoint at all.
After dinner a sound of silence settled over Gunilla and we all sat down doing our studies. Another day ended up in the ”little mäss” with hot cocoa and tons of laughs.
Greetings Albert Edvardsson, starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00