The first full day on our lovely ship Gunilla! It’s almost been one and a half years since the last time we sailed aboard the Gunilla. Currently we’re anchored up a bit outside of Öckerö and we have now begun the process of getting to know the ship.
It's been a while since we last sailed with the T/S Gunilla and therefore running through the old routines again feels good before we set sail towards the North Sea. Anyway, I woke up for anchor watch at 5am. It was a spectacular morning and completely still, the sea was like a mirror and melted together with the sky. It might be hard to imagine how a perfect morning looks like but I’m sure it couldn’t be any better. After breakfast the familiarization-process began where we learned about how to live and work on T/S Gunilla in a safe manner. For example, we learned about how to safely climb the rigging, what you are supposed to do if somebody falls overboard and how to use Malin (our garbage compressing machine). After all the safety briefings it was about time for dinner and the captain informed us that it would be an opportunity to swim in the sea after the dinner, that was really fun but also very weird… Most of the time you do everything in your power to stay onboard and you learn to never ever during any circumstance jump overboard, but now we were allowed to do just that.
It’s been a great day aboard our old lady Gunilla and we are all looking forward to this upcoming voyage!
Greetings from Adam in Starboard watch!
2e August 2023
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00