Öckerö gymnasium

Seasickness hit again

Today started off quite bad. I was seasick during the hole nigthwatch and couldn’t help with anything. I just sat on quarterdeck the hole time.

We have changed our watchtime and watchleader. Now I have 12 – 4, I haven’t really come in to the new routines. But I sleep much more than when I had 8 – 12. Now I sleep around 10 hours each day.

Under the day watch I felt better. In the beginning of the watch I couldn’t do much but I could do more and more towards the end. I have grinded rust and set some sails. Under this watch we set all the sails even the mizzen, the sail furthest stern. This was the first time on this trip that the mizzen was set. So all Gunillas sails are now set.

This leg is the second to last and the shortest one of the legs on this first trip, it is only five days. It feels weird but also nice that we don’t have too long left of this first trip. I have had it hard with homesickness, and it will be nice to see family and friends in about three weeks time.

The dinner today was the fish that our chief officer had caught earlier when we crossed the Atlantic Ocean. It was delicious. Our chefs are really good and makes delicious food.

Sanna Friman


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se