Today, at 9 am, we started the preparations for leaving port and to set sails back to Öckerö. We only have one week left until we can meet our friends and families, which will be super fun! However, Portsmouth has been a nice port for us all to stay in. We have done some second hand sopping, eating scones and some of us have even done some tattoos, something that wasn’t too appreciated by the crew members.
Now we are setting sails back to Öckerö and our friends and families as well. We are all looking forward to see them after two and a half months aboard Gunilla. Today, at 9 am, starboard together with the seafarers, started the preparations for the departure of Portsmouth. Time has flown by really fast and it is only one week left on our voyage. It feels a little strange and sad that this is the last sailing for us together at Gunilla. Likewise, it feels great to be able to go to sleep and eat whenever we want to, and to never again have to wake up at four in the morning to have watch. We will of course miss all the good times, like the breathtaking sunrises, all the dolphins and whales, the laughs we have shared and the ports.
Out in the English canal the waves started to become more and bigger, and the weather way more windy. On midships’ watch we had fourteen sails up and sailed with a maximum speed of seven knots, parallel to the “sea-highway”. We could still see land, which meant that we still could use our internet as well.
Take care, and we will see all of you in one week, 20 July, ten o'clock.
Emilia, Midships watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00