Öckerö gymnasium

Spend the day with us in Lisbon!

Yesterday we were told that we would leave early this morning, right after the dayly meeting out on deck. So, we all did one extra sandwich at breakfast and packed our lunch which was pasta salad. We started our walk to the buss station at around 08:15 am, then we took the train to the canal where we took a fairy into Lisboan.

I know what you think, didn’t it take so long to come to Lisboan? But the time flew by us on the way there. There is also a big different in time if you must wait long time before you switch transportation.

Anyways, so at first, we had around 4 h to explore the city on our own in groups of at least 3 people together. And after that 4 hours I can summer it up in 4 words. warm, beautiful, crowded and hills.

For the first, it was so warm witch makes you so tired, but it makes you tan which makes it okay, haha. Lisboan is a popular place which explains why there was a lot of people and tourist everywhere. I mean everywhere. But it is nice to see people enjoying the city like us. It was also like I said a lot of high hills, so it was very tuff to go up, but it worked fine. It led to a lot of coffee breaks or as we call it in Sweden “fika pause”. And for the least of course, it was so beautiful, I mean if you’ve been there, you know what I’m talking about. The streets, the houses, the small roads, the churches, the cafes, the flowers and the pretty view. It was so magical to also see the Lisboan bridge that looks just like the San Francisco bridge. It’s cool.

And after that 4 hours we all meet up at our meeting place and went to meet our tour guide that now for 4 hours would show us around the city for a historical perspective. It was great and he talked about interesting things. After the 4 hours it was time for dinner. We had a reserved restaurant to eat on, but you could also go somewhere else if you’d like. But most of us sat down are this first reserved restaurant which had amazing and tasty food.

We all had a great day.

Written by Felicia Henriksson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se