We left Gunilla for an excursion. We were very lucky with the weather, sunshine and no wind. The previous group were there the day before us and they could barely go 3 meters out onto the pier because of the waves and the wind, while we could freely walk on the pier and enjoy the sunshine.
Hello folks!
Today was quite a nice day. We had our breakfast as usual, and then the people from the Starboard watch and the people in NAB from Port-side watch all prepared to go on a beach excursion.
When we first went out on the dock so that we could walk to the excursion site in a group, I couldn't find my passport. I looked where I knew that it should have been, but I could not find it for my life. So my friends wanted to help me find it, and within 20 seconds of them starting the search, they found it right where it should have been in my room.
After all that was done we got our gear for the excursion and left Gunilla. The walk to the site was not very far, we were there within 15 minutes. And we were very lucky with the weather, sunshine and no wind. The previous group were there the day before us and they could barely go 3 meters out onto the pier because of the waves and the wind, while we could freely walk on the pier and enjoy the sunshine.
During the excursion I saw some cool animals, like sea urchins and fish that live in little crevises.
Then Starboard had watch duty so i had to return and work on the ship, which was OK. The work itself was not so exiting but the company was as excellent as always.
Warm regards
Simon Hermansson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se