It was very foggy and it kind off looked like a ghost town from afar but when we sailed to the place we were going to stay, there were a lot of sailing boats around because soon there’s going to be a sailing competition, America’s Cup.
Yesterday we arrived to the beautiful island of Bermuda. When the ship got really close to land, you could smell the essence of the flowers and plants. But it was kind off weird to smell “land” after six days at sea. It was also very fogy and it kind off looked like a ghost town from afar but when we sailed to the place we were going to stay, there were a lot of sailing boats around because soon there’s going to be a sailing competition, America’s Cup. Starboard (me) had watch the whole day.
But today we did not have watch and my friends and me woke up excited to go visit the island. I even decided to eat breakfast instead of sleeping this morning (crazy, I know). We packed a bunch of stuff, even food from the boat so we could save money because Bermuda is fricking expensive. It’s safe to say that we took A LOT of buses today just so we could visit as much as possible. I can’t remember the names of the beaches and places we went to so I can’t recommend anything but I do recommend you to visit Bermuda; it’s the coziest island ever.
P.S. I miss you mom.
Cecilia Lindblom
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00