On the day of departure, I awoke to the whispers of Sofia calling my name, blending in with my dream. Realizing it was my turn for anchor watch, I quickly got dressed and headed to the kitchen for a well-deserved cup of instant coffee.
I’m not a big fan of instant coffee but it make do. As a student, it's all we have, unless you're lucky enough to befriend the chefs and get their special brew. But thanks to my dear friend Edvin, who brought a coffee press, we can enjoy a truly good cup of coffee after dinner.
After the anchor watch, I took my turn to ring the bell, signaling that it was eight o'clock. Following the bell-ringing, we gathered for a brief morning briefing led by the captain, where he outlined the day's schedule. Soon after, we kicked off our first lesson, delving into our studies. Meanwhile, groups of eight crew members started engaging in forging exercises, honing their skills and craftsmanship onboard the ship. It was a busy yet productive morning on the vessel.
After lunch, we had a fire drill and lifeboat exercise. The fire alarm rang, and everyone gathered on the deck. After extinguishing the theoretical fire, we conducted a scenario where we prepared to man the lifeboats. After completing the drill, we started preparing everything on the boat ready for the sea.
After having coffee, some time later, we raised the anchor, and my guard and I were the first ones to take control of the ship and steer towards Torshamn.
Neo Olovson, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se