Öckerö gymnasium

The last day on Santo Antao

Today we woke up to the sound of hooting cars and the buzzing of people talking outside of our window.

Yesterday portside and half of midships took the ferry to Santo Antao to go hiking and today half of the group went with an aluguer (taxi, but pickup) back to Porto Novo, where we came with the ferry yesterday. The other half went hiking to a famous mountain village called Fontanas, and it was amazing!

Next to the small road the mountain steeped straight down into the sea and you could see all the way to the horizon. After about one hours walk the landscape opened up and we could see a beautiful valley, full of terraces where corn and beans where growing. In the middle of the valley on small cliff lay the village, with colourful houses in red, green and yellow. Except for that, the mountains where even more beautiful there, it looked like a footage from movies like Avatar or the Hobbit. We took a lot of pictures, but it was hard to catch the true beauty on a screen.

After lunch (which for me was an energy bar, yoghurt and some cookies) we went back to Porto Novo, to take the ferry back to Mindelo at four a clock. It was sad to leave because we had really enjoyed our stay, and I would have loved to see more of the island. But the idea of a real dinner gave us other thoughts, and it was very nice to come back to Gunilla after two days (it was very hard to find restaurants in Riviera Grande, especially if you were a vegetarian).

Ida Bloom Wrenne



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se