Öckerö gymnasium

The most relaxed day ever since we came to Lisbon

A whole day in Lisbon city filled with laughs, soreness, “swedish” weather, good food and even better friends.

This morning started extra early for me. I had watch from 5:30 until 7:30, even though I’d rather stay in bed it wasn’t awful sitting on the bench outside of the boat observing Lisbon slowly waking up. Also, I
wasn’t as tired I thought I would be during the day. Or maybe I was, butat least I didn’t notice since I had so much fun and had other, funnier things to think about.

After the breakfast and the daily morning assembly we hurried to the tram to get as much time as possible to explore the city we’ve all fell in love with. During the day we had “fika” at our new favourite spot twice, one lunch, loads of good second hand shopping. But the thing that has made us all like Lisbon as much as we do is the people. Everyone is so kind and helpful, we’ve made several new friends. One of them that we met yesterday, named Jauan, who was our surf teacher yesterday was so
nice and helpful, he took us to a little surf-village named “Ericeira” and showed us how and where to surf, where to get the best dinner, the best ice cream and the best surf clothing before driving us back to the boat. It truly was an experience for life!

Anyways, the weather actually surprised me when the sky suddenly was covered in grey clouds and the ground suddenly started to get more wet and more slippy for every second that went by. Lisbon's weather has been very nice ever since we came here, but someday had to be the first rainy
day. It was kind of cozy sitting outside of the lunch restaurant with blankets hearing the rain pour on the roof above us while eating garlic-fried shrimps, new baked bread with herb-butter, olives and
honeymelon. I think the servitours hated us for how much we laughed and were noisy. I can understand them but ever since we came here everything has started to get funny for no reason. And it’s so hard to stop when you’re in that mood.

After we ate lunch and went to plenty more genuine second hand shops we headed back to the boat. It was the most relaxed day since we came to Lisbon, without any plans, expectations or any musts. So typical I got to write about this day and not about yesterday for example. But anyways, I think we all needed a relaxed day because of the soreness we had since surfing yesterday, but also because the lack off sleep as a consequence of staying up late to talk with friends and the early mornings. Even though we couldn’t feel how tired we were we all fell asleep as soon as we came home to our beds.

Over all it was a really good day as every other day has been so far. And if you want to go somewhere in Europe, I’d really recommend Lisbon! It’s actually one of our favourite countries from now and on. We’re already planning a trip to the surf-village this summer so we can surf a whole holiday instead of one day.

Saga Manzoor, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se