Öckerö gymnasium

The story about Batman and Klabaudomannen and more

These last two days we have spent out at sea on our way to Suriname, although we have had a bit of confusion wheater we were actually going to make it to Surinam.

The AC has pulled a couple of jump scares already and going to a place that is constantly hot without a working AC is a bad idea especially since you can’t take a dip in the sea anywhere in Suriname.

Sadly enough we are not able to actually sail since we are going directly towards the wind and the two knots counter current isn’t exactly helping. The sea sickness has hit us (at least me) hard and I feel a strong need for some sails that can stabilize the situation right now.

Since we don’t have any sails up at the moment, I don’t have much to report and with a bit of stress since I knew that this blog had to written I felt a bit of relief when a birde we came to name batman joined us for quite a long time. For a while he just hovered over the person standing look out and scared me a couple of times since a black creature suddenly appearing besides you in the middle of the night can be quite a surprise. Later batman settled down on the gallys (kitchen on the boat) roof and sat there until another birde turned up (and I know this will sound a bit dramatic, but I swear its true) challenge batman in a duel and he must have accepted the challenge since they both took off and only one returned about an hour later and sadly enough it wasn’t batman.

But enough about that story. Another fun character that has had some screen time lately is no other than “klabaudomannen”. This character is a man who I think mostly is used to make sure that we keep everything in check on deck, but the story goes:

This man the “klabaudoman” always wants everything to be as it should be on the boat so if for example if there are ropes on deck or other equipment laying around, he gets mad and he then climbes up on deck to hide and if he sees that the person standing look out doesn’t pay attention he sneaks up and whispers in the persons ear. Later he follows the person back when its time for them to be helmsman (steer the boat) and if “klabaudomannen” sees that you’re not at the correct course he gets even angrier and ha start putting ropes everywhere on deck so you trip, falls and dies and then he proceeds to chew on the mast until it falls down so we can’t sail no more. Scary stuff I must admit.

Today (Wednesday) we finally saw another familiar face but the first ones for this trip actually and it felt as good as the first time we saw them. This familiar character was no other than dolphins as you may have guessed. This time they were really showing of, I think they really pulled out their best moves to make it worth the wait, and it was! So, as you can tell we are moving forward with good spirit, not fast but slow but we will get there. You know what they say it’s the journey that counts!

Fair winds, Liv Melin



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se