This exiting day started very very early, to be more exact 04:35 am. After taking two ferries and driving about thirty minutes I arrived at the Opera. The only minus - I was one hour early...
This exiting day started very very early, to be more exact 04:35 am. After taking two ferries and driving about thirty minutes I arrived at the Opera. The only minus - I was one hour early... While waiting whit my parents a storm of emotions overwhelmed me. All kinds of thoughts swished through my head: Would my friends and parents miss me? What new memories would be created? Would I have to climb the mast?
Saying goodbye to mom and dad felt a bit strange. When the bus left and all our families and friends stood on the herb waving, almost everyone shed a tear. It felt so unreal, like someone just took away the most important people in your life and instead gave you an amazing journey whit awesome new folks.
During the bus trip to Oslo the speakers went warm and all sad emotions were soon replaced with excitement and joy. Finally arriving at Gardemoen airport it was time to check in all our luggage, which proved to be quite a challenge.
The flight it self was not exactly a dream come true. Somehow I managed to fall asleep during the first hour and thank God for that!!! When the food came everyone was overjoyed and all of us needed a little energi. Unfortunately the desert only contained sugar and sirap...way too much sugar!
When we reached Portugal we all were tired, but super pumped to finally be here. Gunilla was soon in sight and everyone cheered. It felt absolutely fantastic to be able to jump into more comfy cloths and eat a tasty dinner.
Lots of hugs and kisses, Alva Knutsen Rohman
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00