The weather in Setúbal was perfect today. It started with a beautiful sunrise and the decision that me and Märta wanted to go hiking. We searched on google maps(not sponsored) and found a nice beach we thought would fit as a destination, so we started walking. This was about nine in the morning, so the sun was not burning hot(yet). It was a rather long walk, but after lots of pretty views, two bathroom breaks and two emty waterbottles, we finally made it to the bay. The last part before our destination was a bit tricky though. Google maps wanted us to go down a small path made of rocks and sand. The weird part was that the path went upwards, the opposite side of where we wanted to go, so we were a bit worried. But after a little while the path took a turn and we started walking down to the sea and made it to the bay. It was lovely but a bit cold in the water(which by the way was fine, we were really hot from all the walking).
Soon we were in the water, cooling down and afterwards sunbathing at the beach. When we later decided it was time to go(litteraly), it was delaided by forty minutes. The reason for this was because we simply went the wrong way J
On the hike back we stopped at another beach to go for a swim, it was delightful. The sun was stronger, so we tried not to stop on the way back home, just phasing, placing one foot infront of the other.
We hiked for twenty kilometers. Märta in birkenstocks(ouch) and me in sneakers. We ate dinner at the ship and then went out again, this time with Alma. Not hiking though, but buying overpriced milkshakes :) bye.
Ester Edvardsson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00