But the word to sum up the last hours since we left Morocco have got to be seasickness.
It has been very mixed feelings the last 24 hours. Most of us were relived to leave Morocco. We no longer have to wear long pants and we are excited for our next destination.
But the word to sum up the last hours since we left Morocco have got to be seasickness. Some people felt bad just after ten minutes and then one by one started to get worse. It didn’t really help that it was chili con carne for lunch, haha! This probably sounds awful but we’re tuff, I’ll promise you that. Everyone’s fighting really hard to work the best as they can. We have all realized that the best way to get better is to throw-up. Sounds weird but it’s kind of a relief to just be over with it.
Since we left Morocco we have been sailing almost all the time without the help from an engine. It’s beautiful to see Gunilla with raised sails crossing the big waves of the sea. At night the sky is filled with stars in a way i have never seen it before. It’s really breathtaking! I have heard it’s even more beautiful across the Atlantic Ocean.
So hopefully we will all get better soon and we are looking forward to celebrating Christmas on Las Palmas, even if we will do it on the 25th of December.
Many hugs and kisses! See you in 63 days!
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475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se